5 January 2021. Tuesday. 3PM. London time. On Zoom.
Title Cell Assembly-based Task Analysis (CAbTA)
Speakers Dan Diaper, DDD Systems & Chris Huyck, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London
Abstract Based on an Artificial Neural Network model, Cell Assembly-based Task Analysis is a new method that outputs a task performance model composed of integrated mind-brain Cell Assemblies, which are currently believed to be the most plausible, general organisation of the brain and how it supports mental operations. A simplified model of Cell Assemblies and their cognitive architecture is described and then used in the method. A brief sub-task is analysed. The method’s utility to research in Artificial Intelligence, neuroscience and cognitive psychology is discussed and the possibility of a General Theory suggested.Some of the work presented here is further explained in an arXiv paper entitled The Task Analysis Cell Assembly Perspective.
Bios Dr. Dan Diaper was previously ‘Professor of Systems Science & Engineering’ and was the last ‘Head of the Department of Computing’ at Bournemouth University. After a quarter century spanning academic career which finished in 2006 after two years as a Senior Researcher at Middlesex University, he is now an independent researcher and consultant. After completing his doctorate in the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge in 1982, Dr. Diaper turned to research on applied cognitive ergonomics, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and subsequently to research on software engineering and computer science. Dr. Diaper is one the world experts on task analysis and CSCW; he chaired the U.K. Government’s Department of Trade & Industry’s CSCW SIG in the early 1990s and for a dozen years was co-editor of Springer-Verlag’s CSCW book series, being responsible for the publication of over thirty specialist, technical books. For a dozen years he was the General Editor of the Elsevier journal ‘People and Computers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human-Computer Interaction’. Dr. Diaper has published about eighty journal/conference papers or book chapters and he has edited six academic books and four HCI conference proceedings.
Dr Christian R. Huyck is Middlesex University’s Professor in Artificial Intelligence and has been working in AI for over 30 years. He has over 100 publications in a range of journals and conferences. His two main research tracks are Natural Language Processing (NLP), and neural nets using Cell Assemblies (CAs). He heads Middlesex’s AI research group consisting of a dozen academic staff. Dr Huyck received his PhD from the University of Michigan in 1994. While there he worked on a range of AI projects, but concentrated on NLP. In addition to CAs and NLP, Huyck has a range of AI related interests including ontologies and knowledge management. Huyck has concentrated on neural modelling research since arriving at Middlesex in 1998 proposing CAs as a good basis for a cognitive model. This work has been based on point spiking neural models, and uses Hebbian learning. He’s done categorisation, agents, conversation, rules, reinforcement learnng, cognitive models and natural language parsing, all with spiking neurons.
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