2 March 2021. Tuesday. 3PM. London time. On Zoom.
Title Data-Driven Service Computing: Managing Information Services in the era of Big Data and Internet of Things
Speaker Lu Liu, School of Informatics, University of Leicester, UK.
Abstract Given the recent proliferation in the number of smart devices connected to the Internet, the era of Internet of Things (IoT) is challenged with massive amounts of data generation and service provision. Efficient management of information services is one of the prevailing challenges in the era of IoT and Big Data. To address this challenge, Professor Liu will introduce his recent research work on data-driven service computing for IoT with the process of how to adaptively index services, how to efficiently discover services, how to securely request services and finally dependably integrate services in a dynamic IoT environment. Professor Liu will further present his work on data-driven service development for engineering data analytics, social data analytics, workload data analytics and commercial data analytics.
Bio Professor Lu Liu is the Head of School of Informatics at the University of Leicester, UK. Professor Liu received his PhD degree from Surrey Space Centre at the University of Surrey, UK. Professor Liu’s research interests are in the areas of data analytics, service computing, cloud computing and the Internet of Things. He has over 200 scientific publications in reputable journals, academic books and international conferences. Professor Liu has secured many research projects which are supported by research councils, BIS, Innovate UK, British Council and leading industries.
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