3 November 2020. Tuesday. 3PM. London Time. On Zoom.
Title Human-Centred Algorithms
Speaker B.L. William Wong, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Middlesex University London, and Professor-in-Residence, Genetec, Inc.
Abstract In this talk I will discuss some of the ethical problems that researchers have come to observe about the use of black-box algorithms, how we have interpreted them to make them tractable, discuss the notion of human-centredness in relation to these black-box algorithms, and present our algorithmic transparency framework and a cognitive engineering-based approach to designing for visibility and transparency.
Bio Professor Wong ‘s research is in cognitive engineering and the representation and interaction design of user interfaces that enhance situation awareness, sense-making, analytic reasoning, and decision making in dynamic environments such as air traffic control, and emergency ambulance control. His current research focuses on designing for algorithmic transparency in human-machine teams in intelligence and investigative analysis settings. In September 2020, Dr Wong returned from a 2-year industrial sabbatical as Principal Scientist at Genetec Inc., where he and his team commercialised selected IP from the EU-funded VALCRI project. VALCRI was a 17-organisation R&D consortium which Wong led from 2014-2018, tasked to develop a next generation visual analytics and sense making system for criminal intelligence analysis and investigation. He has received over US$25.3 million in research grants and published over 120 scientific peer reviewed articles with his students and colleagues.
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