Researchers from our department attracted funding from the EU through the call “ICT for smart and personalised inclusion” (Objective ICT-2013.5.3). The project title is: PersOnalized Smart Environments to increase Inclusion of people with DOwn’s syNdrome (POSEIDON).
The Middlesex University team is a multi-disciplinary team with including colleagues from other departments of our S&T School. The main focus for our contribution will be on the creation of Context-Awareness services for the system to guide people with Down’s Syndrome to achieve their daily goals. We will also contribute to part of the Human-Computer Interfaces aspects of the project, and to Standards.
The Project Partners are: Karde, Middlesex University, Fraunhofer, Tellu, Funka Nu, BIS, and Down’s Syndrome Associations from Norway, Germany and UK.
The project starts on the 1st of November 2013.