February 8th, 2023. Wednesday. 3PM.
Postponed due to illness. New date to be announced.
TG23 (Town Hall Building)
Speaker: Samson Abramsky (University College, London)
Title: Contextuality: from quantum mechanics to logic, language and information
Abstract: Contextuality is the key non-classical feature of quantum mechanics, which has been used to show various forms of quantum advantage in computation.
Conceptually, contextuality arises where we have a family of overlapping pieces of data, which are locally consistent but globally inconsistent. We shall explore the many manifestations of contextuality, and its links to the foundations of probability, logic, and linguistics.
Bio: Samson Abramsky is Professor of Computer Science at University College London. Previously he was Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing at the University of Oxford, and he has also held chairs at Imperial College and the University of Edinburgh. He has worked on a wide range of topics within the logic and semantics of computation. Pioneering contributions include his work on domains and duality; on game semantics, full abstraction and full completeness; on categorical quantum mechanics; on contextuality in quantum mechanics and beyond; and on game comonads and new connections between Structure (structural methods from semantics) and Power (expressiveness and complexity). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the ACM, and EATCS Fellow. He has received the BCS Lovelace award, and the Alonzo Church award from ACM SIGLOG, EACSL, EATCS, and the Kurt Goedel Society. A volume in the Springer series Outstanding Contributions to Logic dedicated to his work is currently in press.
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