2 February 2021. Tuesday. 3PM. London time. On Zoom.
Title When Humans and Computers Come Together: A New or Resurged Old Research Paradigm?
Speaker Shujin Li, School of Computing, University of Kent, UK.
Abstract In this talk the speaker will talk about his personal observation and thoughts on a range of newly emerged research topics and concepts in computer science and other related disciplines, which are all around a key concept of putting humans and computers together. He will look at historical roots of such concepts in computer science and application backgrounds of such topics and concepts, and makes his attempt of connecting many of them. The talk will touch a number of fundamental concepts in computer science such as the term “computing” itself, and crosscuts a number of important areas in computer science including AI, HCI, cyber security, and information visualisation. It will also go beyond computer science to look at closely related disciplines such as cognitive and behavioural sciences, modelling and simulation, sociology, and engineering.
Bio Shujun Li is Professor of Cyber Security at the School of Computing, University of Kent in the UK. He is also Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Cyber Security and Conflict (SoCyETAL) and the Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security (KirCCS), which represent the University of Kent as one of 19 UK government recognised Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACEs-CSR). His research interests are mostly around interdisciplinary topics covering cyber security, human factors, digital forensics and cybercrime, multimedia computing, chaotic systems in digital domain and their practical applications. He is currently leading two inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research projects on human-centric approaches to cyber security and privacy. He has published over 100 research papers at international journals and conferences, and received two Best Paper Awards. In 2012 he received an ISO/IEC Certificate of Appreciation, for being the lead editor of ISO/IEC 23001-4:2011, the 2nd edition of the MPEG RVC (Reconfigurable Video Coding) standard. He is currently on the editorial boards of a number of international journals, and has been on the organising or technical program committees of over 100 international conferences and workshops. He is a Fellow of BCS, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Member of ACM. He is a Vice President and Founding Co-Director of the ABCP (Association of British Chinese Professors). More about his research and professional activities can be found at his personal website http://www.hooklee.com/.
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