Colloquium Events

Colloquium: The Complexity of Gradient Descent

21 March 2022, Monday. 3PM. London Time. Online over Zoom Title: The Complexity of Gradient Descent Speaker: Rahul Savani, University of Liverpool Abstract PPAD and PLS are successful classes that each capture the complexity of important game-theoretic problems: finding a mixed Nash equilibrium in a bimatrix game is PPAD-complete; and  finding a pure Nash equilibrium in a […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Representing Knowledge and Thought: Insights from the Design of Radical Representational Systems

21 February 2022, Monday. 3PM. London Time. Online over Zoom Title Representing Knowledge and Thought: Insights from the Design of Radical Representational Systems Speaker Peter Cheng, University of Sussex Abstract It is well established in Cognitive Science that the representational systems we use on problems substantially impacts our ease of finding solutions.  To maximise the […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Goal-Directed Analysis for TypeScript

17 January 2022. Monday. 3PM. London Time. Online over Zoom. Title Goal-Directed Analysis for TypeScript Speaker Daniel Schoepe, Applied Scientist, Amazon Prime Video Abstract TypeScript is a typed version of JavaScript widely used across Amazon, but poses challenges for static analysis: The language supports many intricate features used in practice, such as callbacks and higher-order functions, dynamic field […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Refractive Two-View Reconstruction for Underwater 3D Vision

13 December 2021. Monday. 3PM. London Time. Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face). Room Colln CG15. Fully Online over Zoom because of omicron. Title Refractive Two-View Reconstruction for Underwater 3D Vision Speaker François Chadabecq, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London Abstract Recovering 3D geometry from cameras in underwater applications involves the Refractive Structure-from-Motion problem where the non-linear […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Explainable AI and Its Application to Medical Diagnosis

15 November 2021. Monday. 3PM. London Time. Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face). Room Colln CG15. Title Explainable AI and Its Application to Medical Diagnosis Speaker Xiaohong Gao, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London Abstract While recent advances in AI, in particular deep learning (DL) technology, have achieved state of the art results in many fields, […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Nowcasting Gentrification Using Airbnb Data

18 October 2021. Monday. 3PM. London Time. Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face). Room Colln CG15. Title Nowcasting Gentrification Using Airbnb Data Speaker Giovanni Quattrone, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London Abstract Census data fails to measure neighbourhood change in real-time since it is usually updated every ten years. This work shows that Airbnb data can […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Quantum-like Contextuality and Ambiguity in Natural Language

1 June 2021. Tuesday. 3 PM. London Time. On Zoom. Title Quantum-like Contextuality and Ambiguity in Natural Language Speaker Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, Department of Computer Science, University College London Abstract Language is contextual as meanings of words are dependent on their contexts. Contextuality is,  concomitantly, a well-defined concept in quantum mechanics where it is considered a major resource for […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Bitcoin Alchemy

4 May 2021. Tuesday. 3 PM. London Time. On Zoom. Title Bitcoin Alchemy Speaker Andrew M. Bailey, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Yale-NUS College, Singapore Abstract If there’s one thing ordinary people know about bitcoin the asset, it’s that it has a price, and that the price is up (or down, as the case may be). […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: Data-Driven Service Computing: Managing Information Services in the era of Big Data and Internet of Things

2 March 2021. Tuesday. 3PM. London time. On Zoom. Title Data-Driven Service Computing: Managing Information Services in the era of Big Data and Internet of Things Speaker Lu Liu, School of Informatics, University of Leicester, UK. Abstract  Given the recent proliferation in the number of smart devices connected to the Internet, the era of Internet of Things […]

Colloquium Events

Colloquium: When Humans and Computers Come Together: A New or Resurged Old Research Paradigm?

2 February 2021. Tuesday. 3PM. London time. On Zoom. Title When Humans and Computers Come Together: A New or Resurged Old Research Paradigm? Speaker Shujin Li, School of Computing, University of Kent, UK. Abstract  In this talk the speaker will talk about his personal observation and thoughts on a range of newly emerged research topics and concepts […]